Onan Coffee & Tea Onan Coffee & Tea

Amer Forte Espresso roast

Martine E. De Haes & Euller A. Rangel
Fazenda Arema, Brazil

Espresso Espresso or filter roast?

We only sell whole coffee beans in our web shop (with exception of our limited coffee taste box!). The coffee bean is less fragile, it will better preserve its flavour and aroma in our special valved bags, this will give you the best quality when brewing your coffee at home.

€ 10,90


powerful and creamy body, earthy notes, roasted hazelnuts, dark caramel sweetness, stonefruits

Fun fact

Created by our roaster in 2015, it was one of Onan's first blends. It was so loved that it became our original houseblend and has remained with us ever since.



Houseblend Est. 2015


Fazenda Arema, Brazil; Palthope Estate, India


Brazil, India

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